Volta Data Centres
Upgrading an existing facility to create a data centre that responds to London’s business’s technology needs

Volta acquired the leasehold for the former Reuters building in June 2012. Glebe identified the opportunity due to several factors: the number of major carriers already on site, its unique power supply and its close proximity to the City of London – attractive for businesses requiring latency sensitive services.
However, to meet the increasing needs of the capital's technology sector, the facility needed a major overhaul. We oversaw a planning permission to add rooftop plant, appointed specialist M&E engineers and secured a significant power upgrade from 2.5MW to a new 9.6MW.
Volta was developed as a brand and a team of specialist facility managers, sales and support staff were recruited.
After a major refurbishment, Volta opened as a Tier 3 data centre in mid-2013. This asset was disposed of Q2 2022.